On April 18th and 19th, Jen Bodiguel and Katie Blasetti traveled to the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorder Alliance (CASDA) Leadership Summit in Ottawa. CASDA’s goal is to work towards a Canadian Autism Partnership, where all provinces and territories can work together to address the complex issues facing individuals with ASD and their families. One highlight from the summit was hearing the perspectives of the ASD self-advocates involved with CASDA. Another highlight was attending a reception hosted by MPs and Senators from a number of Canadian political parties, including Alberta MP Mike Lake. The Summit was a great opportunity to meet, share, and learn from others across the country.
As part of the summit, organizations were invited to present posters showcasing their programs. Jen shared about our pilot year of the New Heights Transitioning to Adulthood program. It was a great opportunity to share with an audience from across Canada about the great work that is being done at New Heights!
Thank you to Deanna Rachel Photography, Tyler Williams at Heard Communications, and Print Three for their help in putting together our poster.
March 5, 2025
March 5, 2025
February 5, 2025
Mar 13
Mar 22